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今年是中国共产党成立95周年。95年前,中共一大在上海和浙江嘉兴南湖红船上召开,中国共产党由此诞生。从嘉兴南湖到北京天安门,在将近一个世纪的时间里,中国共产党走过了一条既伟大光荣又艰难曲折的奋斗之路。明年是天安门建成600周年,回顾10个甲子的风云历史,聚焦20世纪天安门前发生的重要事件和历史瞬间,我们清晰地看到,近现代以来中国人民自强不息、中华民族走向复兴的奋斗历程波澜壮阔、可歌可泣。本刊特邀原《中国档案报》总编辑、享受国务院特殊津贴专家郭海缨女士撰文,围绕上世纪六十年代中后期至改革开放以来五十多年发生在天安门广场的重大历史事件,以亲见、亲闻和亲历的形式呈现这段历史的场景和感悟。作者系高级记者,她以真诚、客观的笔触展现广场上的鲜花笑语,感悟曾经的苦雨迷茫,发出了“中国人民在历史实践中选择了中国共产党,中国共产党领导中国人民,在学习与思考、改革与拼搏中不断总结历史和现实的经验教训,为了人民的利益坚持正确的、为了人民的未来改正错误的,最终赢得人民群众的信任,带领中华民族走上民族伟大复兴之路”的肺腑之言。相信这不仅充分表达了作者的心声,也道出了广大读者的胜利信心与美好愿望。 This year marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. 95 years ago, the CCP held the first large-scale red boat in Shanghai and Jiaxing South Lake, and the CPC was born. For nearly a century, from the Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing to Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, the Chinese Communist Party has passed a road of struggle that is both glorious and arduous. Next year marks the 600th anniversary of the construction of Tiananmen Square. Looking back at the history of the 10 Koshien Stages and focusing on the important events and historical moments that took place in front of Tiananmen Square in the 20th century, we clearly see that since the modern times the Chinese people have been striving for self-improvement and the Chinese nation has been moving toward rejuvenation. Epic The magazine invited the former “China Archives Newspaper,” editor-in-chief, enjoyed the State Department special allowance expert Miss Guo Haiming wrote around the mid-to-late 1960s to 50 years since the reform and opening up took place in Tiananmen Square, a major historical event to see , Pro and experienced in the form of this historical scene and insights. The author is a senior reporter who displays the flowers and laughs on the square in a sincere and objective manner. She once felt the suffering and the rain had been confused and sent out. “The Chinese people chose the Chinese Communist Party in the historical practice and the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people in learning and thinking In the course of reform and hard work, we constantly sum up lessons from history and reality, persist in the interests of the people, correct mistakes for the future of the people, and ultimately win the trust of the people and lead the Chinese nation onto the road of great national rejuvenation. ” Heartfelt words. I believe this not only fully expressed the author’s voice, but also revealed the readers’ victory confidence and good wishes.
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谜事在中国最后一个王朝清代非常活跃,有因袭传统的增损、离合体谜,如字谜:“伊无人,羊口是其群,斩头笋,灭口君,缩尾便成丑,直脚半开门(門),一根长轿杠,打个死尸灵。”共8个小句,句句成扣,都隐藏一个“尹”字。仍然可见东汉以来离合体、增损体制作灯谜的遗风。清自中叶以后,灯谜向前迈了一大步,虽然谜面和谜底的素材仍以四书五经居多,但在技艺上已益加新奇精巧,力求别解传神。例如:  “人在人情在”,猜《诗经
●Name: Jennifer Aniston   ●Profession: Actress, producer  ●Birth year:1969  ●Height:165cm   ●Husband: Brad Pitt (actor; born on December 18, 1963; married on July 29, 2000; separated on January 7, 200
Surrounded by forests and water, Stockholm has the feel of a small town. The royal capital of Sweden is actually a collection of islands linked by bridges. To the east, the Baltic Sea bustles with fer
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