Chinese Economists' Confidence Survey Insisting on the Implementation of Tight Monetary Policy

来源 :中国经济景气月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytmbg163
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As shown in the results of the Survey of the Confidence of 100 Chinese Economists, conducted by China Economic Monitoring and Analysis Center, National Bureau of Statistics, the confidence index of the economists in the first quarter of 2008 was 5.08 (the range of the values being between 1-9), a decline of 0.44 point as compared with that of the fourth quarter of 2007. The survey indicated that, confronting with the changes of the macroeconomic conditions, in- cluding the aggravated influence of the US subprime crisis and the bigger pressure of inflation in China, etc, the confidence index of the economists had declined to some extent, but was still in the optimistic interval. As shown in the results of the Survey of the Confidence of 100 Chinese Economists, conducted by China Economic Monitoring and Analysis Center, National Bureau of Statistics, the confidence index of the economists in the first quarter of 2008 was 5.08 (the range of the values being between 1-9), a decline of 0.44 point as compared with that of the fourth quarter of 2007. The survey showed that, confronting with the changes of the macroeconomic conditions, in- cluding the aggravated influence of the US subprime crisis and the bigger pressure of inflation in China, etc, the confidence index of the economists had declined to some extent, but was still in the optimistic interval.
一、绪言本报告是根据以后的调查研究所取得的资料,对前报告第四章里所述之花岗岩成分与通过接触带的放射性曲线类型的关系问题做进一步说明。 I. INTRODUCTION This repor
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