At present, the average amount of commodity funds used by a computer retailer’s computing cabinet group is generally the method for calculating the average amount of liquidity used by enterprises in the system. That is, the balance at the beginning of the month + the balance at the end of the month +2. This approach often leads to the following consequences: (1) Since the balance of the month-end balance is only used to influence the bonus, the cabinet team artificially reduces the balance of the end-of-month inventory commodity in order to obtain more bonuses. Some commodities are rather out of stock at the end of the month. It will not be purchased at the end of the month. For enterprises that hold deposits and loans and separate households, this causes the entire company to have excessive balances at the end of the month, resulting in waste. (2) Since the size of the inventory on each day of the month has little effect on the issuance of bonuses, the purchase of the cabinet group is generally concentrated at the beginning of the month, which makes the company’s funding supply very tight at the beginning of the month. (3) In order to expand sales and increase competition, some retail stores often sell products to the factory in the form of credit sales. According to this method, retail stores wait until the end of the month to collect payment, making it impossible to repatriate funds in a timely manner. Based on the characteristics of retail enterprise accounting, our company’s paint and chemical sales department has created a method of calculating the average amount of commodity funds used by each counter on a daily basis. It has received significant results and reduced the amount of interest expenditure over the previous year.