本文的目的是根据从单次调查样地上取得的生长样条或树干解析数据计算和预测生长量,而无须直接记录采伐木、死亡木或进界生长木,也不必进行第二次量测。根据这类数据计算的生长量只是过去林分的调查者生长量(Surivor increment)和现时林分的未来生长量(aecretion)。林分蓄积生长量可用林分表投射法或用生长率法,根据生长样条的径向生长量测值或树干解析数据计算出来。对这两种方法已有许多论述。现对以下原则加以复述:
The purpose of this paper is to calculate and predict the growth based on the growth spline or trunk analysis data obtained from a single survey plots without the need to record logging, dead or advancing growth logs directly and without the need for a second measurement. The amount of growth calculated on the basis of such data is only the Surivor increment of past stands and the current aecretion of stands. Forest stand volume growth can be projected by the forest table projection method or growth rate method, according to the growth of the radial growth measurements or tree trunk calculated analytical data. Much has been said about these two methods. The following principles are now reproduced: