In recent years, we tried nifedipine in patients with acute gastroenteritis, and achieved more satisfactory results, are as follows. General information: Nifedipine group 48 cases, control group 37 cases, aged 16 to 70 years old, average 43.5 years old. The onset to treatment time of 4 to 10 hours, the number of diarrhea 3 to 20 times daily, the number of vomiting daily 3 to 8 The two groups of routine fecal examination were WBC <3 / HP, Shigella culture negative. Treatment: All symptomatic treatment, appropriate rehydration, electrolyte-based supplement, without other antispasmodic, antidiarrheal drugs. The treatment group used sublingual nifedipine 10mg three times daily. The control group oral diphenoxylate tablets, each two tablets three times a day.