浙江省永嘉县在1984年群众选报的42株实生抛(柚)中,筛选出一个成熟期早、果皮富含香气的单株,经1987年10月鉴定,初步定名为“永嘉香抛”。 据4年观察,水嘉香抛果实在9月10日左右有1/3果面转色,9月18—20日果面全面变为橙黄色,9月20—25日成熟。成熟期比厦门文旦、楚门文旦约提早1个月。母树果实呈梨形(见照片),单果重
Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province in 1984, the election of the 42 masses of live throwing (grapefruit), screened a mature early, perfumed aroma plant, identified in October 1987, initially named “Yongjia incense thrown” . According to 4 years of observation, Shui Jiaxiang throwing fruit on September 10 about 1/3 fruit color, September 18-20 full of fruit into orange, September 20-25 mature. Mature than Xiamen Pudan, Chu door Pudao about 1 month earlier. Mother tree fruit was pear-shaped (see photo), fruit weight