“大量的研究机构曾表示,入世后中国的汽车业会受到很大冲击,但现在看来这个预测是完全错误的,”上海汽车(600104)总经理赵凤高在“上市公司 CEO 论坛”上表示。赵凤高完全有理由这么说,在加入世贸的第一年(2002年)上海汽车的营收成长28.6%,利润同比增长37.2%.而2003年上海汽车的成绩更为靓丽,光上半年的利润就已接近去年全年的利润。赚得盆满钵满的并不止上汽一家,一汽、东风乃至广汽都取得了不错的收益。加入世贸后,外资非但没有对中国汽车业造成冲击,反而让汽车业驶上了风光无限的快车道。同样在2002年,通用、大众及福特汽车的产销量非但没上升,反而有所下降(见表1),在全球汽车业一片惨淡中,中国市场成了那片“沙漠中
”A large number of research institutions have said that after China’s accession to the WTO will be a great impact on the car industry, but now it seems this prediction is completely wrong, “ Shanghai Automotive (600104) Zhao Fenggao, general manager ”listed company CEO Forum “Said. Zhao Fenggao completely justified to say that in the first year (2002) of Shanghai’s accession to the WTO, Shanghai Automotive’s revenue grew 28.6% and its profit soared 37.2% from the same period of last year. In 2003, the performance of Shanghai Automotive was even more beautiful. Is close to last year’s profit. Earn pours and not only SAIC, FAW, Dongfeng and even Guangzhou Automobile have made good earnings. After joining the WTO, not only did the foreign investment not have an impact on the Chinese automobile industry, but the automobile industry drove onto the fast lane of fame. Also in 2002, GM, Volkswagen and Ford Motor Co. production and sales not only did not rise, but declined (Table 1), the gloomy global automotive industry, the Chinese market has become the piece of ”desert