电子商务的发展是一项社会系统工程,它涉及信息高速公路的建设,网上支付、标准和法律环境建设、配送服务体系以及企业内部信息系统的建设等问题。而这些都不是旦夕之间就能点化而成的。 尤其是商业信用和流通体系是中国电子商务发展面临的最大问题。而且这两点都不可能马
The development of e-commerce is a social system project, which involves the construction of information superhighway, online payment, construction of standard and legal environment, distribution service system and the construction of internal information system. These are not from the moment can be formed from. Especially the commercial credit and circulation system is the biggest problem facing the development of e-commerce in China. And neither can be a horse