Patients, male, 54 years old, hospital number 016904, October 14, 1981 to “chronic nephritis”, “urinary tract infection” hospitalization. Five days before admission, the right lower quadrant abdominal pain continued with the full abdominal pain, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and hematuria, back pain. Two days before admission, the above symptoms intensified, chills and fever, body temperature 39 ℃. After treatment, the temperature dropped, the symptoms did not ease to our hospital internal medicine. Past history: frequent urination, urgency, dysuria recurrent more than 20 years. In the city, county hospital diagnosed as “nephritis”, “urinary tract infection.” Physical examination: T36 ℃, P88, R20, BP96 / 80. Cardiopulmonary normal. Abdominal tension, full abdominal tenderness, to the right lower abdomen. Without rebound pain, liver and spleen not yet, bowel sounds exist. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 13.5g / dl, 4.55 million red blood cells, white blood cells 42.900, 95% neutral, lymphatic 3%, single