Ice fishing is a major Canadian water recreation, Canada, the east and the north, the winter time is long, the temperature often reaches minus ten or even dozens of ℃, so cold is an excellent ice fishing conditions, 1 to 3 Month is the best time for ice fishing. Winter in Ontario and Quebec ice-cold, infatuated ice came out of the warm houses to the frozen glacial lake, and even risked minus 40 degrees Celsius, cold vertical, drunk wild, ice fisherman or bring a small or invited Friends, with mountains and rivers, boarding hotels, Happy some. In the glamorous silver world, it looks like the natural glacial frozen lake, full of anglers, and seat colorful ice fishing hut, forming a strange Canadian winter scenery. Ice fishing nothing more than two kinds: cluster ice fishing and their individual ice-digging independent fishing. Canada’s most prestigious cluster of ice-fishing destinations is the village of Saint André-Behad known as the “Ice-Fishing Capital of the Soup of Cape Cod”, a village nestled in the wilderness of Québec, where ice fishing broke the stream together with the river Quiet side of the village of St. Andhra Pradesh. December snow seal