In Sweden, almost all pregnant women wear seat belts. But they do not know where the seat belts should fit best to protect the fetus in the best possible way. This makes them very restless. Researchers at the Department of Biomechanics, University of Halmstad, Sweden, recently conducted a research on this subject. The first job of a researcher is to send a questionnaire to a group of pregnant women and then interview them individually. Of the 139 women who answered the questionnaire, all but one said they insisted on wearing seat-belts until they became pregnant. Seven women, who are in the final stages of pregnancy, say they now seldom use seat belts because they fear the safety of the seat belts and make it harder to wear seat belts. In 2000, researchers in the United States conducted a similar survey of 200 subjects. Most respondents also said that seat belts make them feel uncomfortable, easy to scratch the skin, and move up. The findings of a survey of seat belts for pregnant women carried out in Sweden and the United States are as follows: