我是一名农技工作者,自1985年与《农家参谋》结缘以来,受益匪浅。我利用从贵刊学到的新技术,科学种田,繁育良种,培育果苗、花卉,实现了低投入,高产出,经济收入逐年上升。令村民们刮目相看。 1990年,我从贵刊得到启发,根据自己的特长,创办了农林科技服务部。借销售种子、农药之机向群众宣传贵刊介绍的种养方面的新品种、新技术。以门市部为依托,带动周围农户致富。 大牛村农民王学中,在一次购买农药时流露出致富无门的苦恼。我就把《农家参谋》刊登的“庆发8号”西瓜良种介绍给他,种麦时他留了2670平方米(4亩)麦瓜套种,瓜苗移栽后又点播了棉花。管理过程中,我把《农
I am an agrochemical worker who has benefited greatly since I became acquainted with the Farm Staff in 1985. I used the new technology I learned from your magazine to cultivate seedlings and flowers scientifically and cultivate seedlings and flowers scientifically. As a result, I achieved low input, high output and economic income increased year by year. So that villagers admiration. In 1990, I got inspiration from your magazine and started the Science and Technology Service Department of Agriculture and Forestry according to my own specialty. By selling seeds and pesticides, we will promote to the masses new varieties and technologies introduced in your magazine. To rely on the shops, driving around the rich farmers. Wang Xuezhong, a farmer from Da Niu Village, showed his affluence when he purchased pesticides. I introduced the “Qingfa 8” watermelon variety published by “Farm Staff” to him. When planting wheat, he left 2670 square meters (4 acres) of wheat melon intercropping. Management process, I put "farmers