“垦易”有机肥是利用农、渔业副产品及其他成份,经过处理后再以特殊微生物(活性菌)生化处理分解浓缩而成的液体有机肥料,无毒性,不污染环境,能满足植物所需养份,提高作物产量,改良土壤结构,集养地、肥土、增产于一身的新产品。 一、注意事项: ①喷施此肥料应在清晨或傍晚日照较弱时为最佳,以免养份蒸发;当植物受到病虫害、冻害将失去生机时,稀释多量喷洒亦可挽救生机,使其恢复生长。
“Kenyi” organic fertilizer is a liquid organic fertilizer which is decomposed and concentrated by biochemical treatment of special microorganisms (active bacteria) after being treated by using agricultural and fishery by-products and other components. The organic fertilizer is non-toxic and does not pollute the environment and can meet the needs of plants Nutrients, improve crop yields, improve the soil structure, set the land, soil, yield in a new product. First, the precautions: ① spraying the fertilizer should be in the early morning or evening when the weaker sun is the best, in order to avoid the evaporation of nutrients; when the plant is pests, frost damage will lose its vitality, dilute the amount of spraying can also save life, to restore Grow.