刚刚在07年初召开的增值业务交流大会,抽空去看了看,本届 SP 同行的盥会一个重要主题仍然是行业自律。作为 SP业内普通一员,笔者深为清楚,行业自律对于 SP 来说是一件难之又难的事情。相信所有从事 SP 行业的同仁们都有一个默契:大部分同仁并不能十分清楚地向家人描述自己在从事怎样一份工作。虽然每天朝九晚五出入于写字楼,还算体面,但相信大部分人并不愿意过多地向家人描述具体的工作内容吧,怕家里误会,怕自己的公司与那些被媒体曝光
Just held in early 2007 value-added business exchange conference, taking the time to look at this SP counterparts in an important theme is still industry self-regulation. As an ordinary member of the SP industry, the author is well aware that the industry self-discipline for the SP is a difficult thing. I believe all in the SP industry colleagues have a tacit understanding: Most colleagues do not very clearly describe to the family what they are engaged in a job. Although every day into the office nine to five nights, fairly decent, but I believe most people do not want too much to the family to describe the specific content of the job, afraid of misunderstanding at home, afraid of their own company and those exposed by the media