我国塑料工业是世界生产大国、出口大国、消费大国。数据显示,2012年合成树脂表观消费量为7 036万吨,塑料制品表观消费量约为8 400万吨,约占世界塑料消费总量的1/3。据统计,“十一五”期间,我国废塑料回收量逐年增长,废塑料回收量总量累计达到4 600多万吨,回收总值约2 950亿元,回收量年均增长率为14.47%。“十一五”期间,我国回收利用4 600万吨废塑料,有效促进了节能减排工作,共计节能1 860万吨标准煤,减少废水排放
China’s plastics industry is the world’s largest producer, exporter, consumer power. Data show that the apparent consumption of synthetic resin in 2012 was 70.36 million tons, apparent consumption of plastic products was about 84 million tons, accounting for about 1/3 of the total world plastic consumption. According to statistics, during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, the amount of waste plastics recovered in China increased year by year. The total amount of waste plastics recovered reached more than 46 million tons and the total recovered value was about 295 billion yuan. The average annual growth rate of recovery was 14.47%. During the 11th Five-Year Plan, China recycled and used 46 million tons of waste plastics, effectively promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, saving a total of 18.6 million tons of standard coal and reducing wastewater discharge