In electronics packaging the time-pressure dispensing system is widely used to squeeze theadhesive fluid in a syringe onto boards or substrates with the pressurized air. However complexity ofthe process, Which includes the air-fluid coupling and the nonlinear uncertaintes, makes it difficult tohave a consistent process performance. An integrated dispensing process model is first introduced andthen its input-output regression relationship is used to design a run to run control methodology for thisprocess. The controller takes EWMA scheme and its stability region is given. Experimental resultsverify the effectiveness of the proposed run to run control method for dispensing process.
In electronics packaging the time-pressure dispensing system is widely used to squeeze the adhesive fluid in a syringe onto boards or substrates with the pressurized air. However, the complexity of the process, which includes air-fluid coupling and the nonlinear uncertainties, makes it difficult tohave a consistent process performance. An integrated dispensing process model is first introduced and then its input-output regression relationship is used to design a run to run control methodology for this process. The controller takes EWMA scheme and its stability region is given. Experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed run to run control method for dispensing process.