为解决这个问题,教育界就有了自主导学这道菜,但是很多人无法调配好“自主”与“导”的关系,摆上桌台,味道总不大好。我以高中英语教学的实践摆上一道,请同仁品味指正,即以Unit 2,Module6 Poems reading课例。
指导学生利用网络等不同资源收集素材,训练学生的认知策略:布置小组合作任务:“Do you remember any little poems or songs you learned when you were a child?”要求收集一些他们喜欢的中英文诗歌,并背诵一些他们喜欢的诗歌。然后把它们做成PPT或手抄报,从《咏鹅》到Twinkle,twinkle,Little star,再到Saying goodbye to Cambridge Again,学生的热情无比高涨。这样的任务让学生比较快地进入话题,也唤起他们对诗歌的热爱,体会诗歌的押韵、节奏、意境、联想、和谐等。
Homework Presentation:Who would like to show your homework?Present one of your favorite poems and state the reason why you like it?他们提到押韵、节奏,还提到五言、七言、绝句、律诗等格律诗常识,自由诗、散文诗、打油诗等体例。这样的环节提供展示学生自主学习成果的机会,激发他们的学习动力和学习兴趣,利用多媒体展示他们的成果。这样改变老师满堂灌的现象,在培养学生搜集信息、处理信息能力的同时,也调动他们自主学习的积极性,形成有效的学习策略。
以学生提到的《春晓》为例,引导学生注意它的押韵,找出它朗朗上口的原因。板书《春晓》和Twinkle,twinkle,Little star,用红色粉笔标出韵尾,以备引导学生欣赏阅读课文中节奏感强,押韵的诗歌。
(1)阅读的基本技能训练:Skim the poems in the reading passage then work in groups and and tick the correct boxes for each question.
(2)阅读新技能介绍:Topic Sentence:“Each paragraph has a main idea that holds the sentences together.Sometimes the main idea of a paragraph is directly written down.Then,to find the main idea,all you have to do is to find the one sentence that sum up the paragraph.If one sentence states the main idea of a paragraph,we usually call that main idea sentence a topic sentence.The topic sentence can appear at the beginning,middle,or end of the paragraph.Most often,though,it appears at the beginning.”
(3)阅读新技能运用:寻找主题句:Read the first paragraph of A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS,and underline the sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph.Then write the main idea in your own words.
通过具体的实践,帮助学生树立自信心,“养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神”。 (4)基础知识简介:The reading passage discusses five kinds of poems .
a.What are the poems about?
b.Which poem or poems give you a clear picture in your mind?
c.There are two poems that have a strong rhythm. Which ones are they?Listen to the tape and try to clap the beat.
d.Which two poems have rhyming lines ?Circle the pairs of rhyming words.
e. Can you find out the rhythm in Poem A? What about Poem B?
Fat cute
Eating sleeping screaming
Day in,day out
②My final exam
I would have passed the exam,
If I had done the homework everyday.
If I had listened carefully to the teacher,
If I had reviewed it before taking it
If I had not slept in class
If I had not played computer games the night before
If I had
为解决这个问题,教育界就有了自主导学这道菜,但是很多人无法调配好“自主”与“导”的关系,摆上桌台,味道总不大好。我以高中英语教学的实践摆上一道,请同仁品味指正,即以Unit 2,Module6 Poems reading课例。
指导学生利用网络等不同资源收集素材,训练学生的认知策略:布置小组合作任务:“Do you remember any little poems or songs you learned when you were a child?”要求收集一些他们喜欢的中英文诗歌,并背诵一些他们喜欢的诗歌。然后把它们做成PPT或手抄报,从《咏鹅》到Twinkle,twinkle,Little star,再到Saying goodbye to Cambridge Again,学生的热情无比高涨。这样的任务让学生比较快地进入话题,也唤起他们对诗歌的热爱,体会诗歌的押韵、节奏、意境、联想、和谐等。
Homework Presentation:Who would like to show your homework?Present one of your favorite poems and state the reason why you like it?他们提到押韵、节奏,还提到五言、七言、绝句、律诗等格律诗常识,自由诗、散文诗、打油诗等体例。这样的环节提供展示学生自主学习成果的机会,激发他们的学习动力和学习兴趣,利用多媒体展示他们的成果。这样改变老师满堂灌的现象,在培养学生搜集信息、处理信息能力的同时,也调动他们自主学习的积极性,形成有效的学习策略。
以学生提到的《春晓》为例,引导学生注意它的押韵,找出它朗朗上口的原因。板书《春晓》和Twinkle,twinkle,Little star,用红色粉笔标出韵尾,以备引导学生欣赏阅读课文中节奏感强,押韵的诗歌。
(1)阅读的基本技能训练:Skim the poems in the reading passage then work in groups and and tick the correct boxes for each question.
(2)阅读新技能介绍:Topic Sentence:“Each paragraph has a main idea that holds the sentences together.Sometimes the main idea of a paragraph is directly written down.Then,to find the main idea,all you have to do is to find the one sentence that sum up the paragraph.If one sentence states the main idea of a paragraph,we usually call that main idea sentence a topic sentence.The topic sentence can appear at the beginning,middle,or end of the paragraph.Most often,though,it appears at the beginning.”
(3)阅读新技能运用:寻找主题句:Read the first paragraph of A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS,and underline the sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph.Then write the main idea in your own words.
通过具体的实践,帮助学生树立自信心,“养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神”。 (4)基础知识简介:The reading passage discusses five kinds of poems .
a.What are the poems about?
b.Which poem or poems give you a clear picture in your mind?
c.There are two poems that have a strong rhythm. Which ones are they?Listen to the tape and try to clap the beat.
d.Which two poems have rhyming lines ?Circle the pairs of rhyming words.
e. Can you find out the rhythm in Poem A? What about Poem B?
Fat cute
Eating sleeping screaming
Day in,day out
②My final exam
I would have passed the exam,
If I had done the homework everyday.
If I had listened carefully to the teacher,
If I had reviewed it before taking it
If I had not slept in class
If I had not played computer games the night before
If I had