自身免疫性甲状腺疾病(autoimmune thyroid disease,AITD)是一组器官特异性的自身免疫性疾病,其发病已影响到全球5%的人口,并且主要发生在30~50岁的女性,其发病被认为是遗传易感性、外来基因的影响及环境因素相互作用引起的甲状腺破坏。尽管目前仍在强调环境因素对AITD的影响,但遗传因素对AITD的影响在分子水平上逐渐被破解,这对于进一步理解AITD的发病机制将有更大的帮助。本文就AITD
Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is a group of organ-specific autoimmune diseases whose incidence has affected 5% of the world’s population and predominantly occurs in women aged 30 to 50 years, the onset of which is thought to be Is the genetic susceptibility, the impact of foreign genes and environmental factors caused by the interaction of thyroid damage. Although the impact of environmental factors on AITD is still being emphasized, the influence of genetic factors on AITD is gradually being broken down at the molecular level, which will be more helpful for understanding the pathogenesis of AITD. This article on AITD