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在巴西的圣保罗市北郊公园里,有一个闻名世界的毒蛇研究院,名叫布坦登研究院。在毒蛇研究领域里,它走在世界的前列。院内有一个用水泥浇铸的圆形养蛇池,池深三米,池中有一个个小土堆,小土堆上有许多毒蛇出入的洞口,这就是蛇的住处。据说研究院的科研人员半个月取一次毒蛇的毒液,取出后要经化验、过滤,制成针剂打进马身上,再提制出抗毒素,用来治疗毒蛇咬伤和作为注射用的预防血清。巴西政府十分重视这所研究院,每年从科研和卫生经费中专门拨款资助。研究院同世界学者交流经验,既选派专家出国学习,参加国际会议,也邀请其他国家学者来讲学。布坦登毒蛇研究院设备齐全,拥有各种新式的实验仪器。化验室内存放着各类毒蛇液,以供逐一进行化验、分析成分,加 In the northern suburbs of the city of São Paulo in Brazil, there is a world-renowned venomous snake research institute called the Butenden Institute. In the field of snake research, it is at the forefront of the world. The hospital has a round cast snake pool pool, pool depth of three meters, the pool has a small mound, a small mound on the entrance of many viper holes, this is the snake’s residence. It is said that researchers at the Institute took a venomous snake for half a month and removed it to be tested, filtered and made into an injection. The antitoxin was then used to treat snake bites and as a preventive serum for injection . The Brazilian government attaches great importance to this institute and earmarked funding each year for its research and health funding. The Institute exchanges experiences with scholars all over the world. It not only selects experts to study abroad, attend international conferences, but also invites scholars from other countries to give lectures. Buten Deng Viper Institute fully equipped, with a variety of new experimental apparatus. Laboratory storage of various types of venom snake liquid, for one by one for testing, analysis of ingredients, plus
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2009年1月8-9日,在风景秀丽、天气怡人的厦门,来自全国近百所民办职业教育培训机构的代表,16个省、直辖市劳动保障行政管理部门的相关负责同志,齐聚一堂,共议民办职业培 Fro