1793年,一行英国使团抵达北京朝廷,洽谈扩大中英贸易关系。下面便是中国天朝最后一位伟大君王乾隆皇帝给英王乔治三世(Ceorge Ⅲ)的复函: 呵,英王,尔僻居荒远,间隔重瀛,却受谦卑之心驱动,切愿分享吾文明之益果,故遣派使团,亲递国书……尔若断言,出于对本天朝之仰慕,欲求与尔国天壤有别之本朝文明、礼仪与律例。念尔使团固能取本朝文明之皮毛,却断不能移植本朝风俗习惯于异土……本天朝物产丰盈,无一匮乏,故无需从外部蛮夷引进制品,以作交换。然本朝生产之茶、丝与瓷器乃泰西各族生活之必需……朕愿让此等有限贸易延续不辍。
In 1793, a group of British troops arrived in Beijing to discuss the expansion of China-UK trade relations. Here is a reply from the Emperor Qian Long, the last great king of China, to King George III: Oh, King, secluded, distant, driven by humility, willing to share My civilizations benefited so much that they sent their missionaries and proclaimed their books .... Elsie asserted that for the admiration, desires and visions of this great kingdom, the pro-civilized, ceremonial and statutory laws are different. Seoul Mission can take the solid civilization of the fur, but can not cut off the customs of the North Korea in the exotic customs ... ... this heavenly rich property, no lack of, so there is no need to import products from outside the barbarian for exchange. However, the tea, silk and porcelain produced by the DPRK are necessary for the life of all ethnic groups in the country... I wish for such limited trade to continue.