善良夫妻收养弃婴 年近六旬的邱立仁家住黑龙江省哈尔滨市太平区,至今,他 还清晰地记得14年前的一个清晨,当他出门倒垃圾的时候,突 然看见自家门旁有一个用红布裹着的物体在动。他走过去打开 一看,发现是个瘦小的女婴,小脸冻得红扑扑的,眼睛还没有完 全睁开。女婴贴身放着一张纸条,上面写着她的生日。这是个出 生仅两天的弃婴!他马上把婴儿抱回屋里。妻子刘桂茹是个心地 善良的女人,十分喜欢孩子,经过一番商量,两人决定收养这个 女婴。
Good husband and wife adoptive abandoned baby Nearly sixty years old Qiu Liren lives in Taiping District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, so far, he still clearly remember one early morning 14 years ago, when he went out to dump rubbish, suddenly saw his door with a red Cloth wrapped objects moving. He walked over to open it and saw it as a skinny baby girl, his face freezing in red, his eyes still not fully open. Baby girl put a piece of paper close to her, says her birthday. This is an abandoned baby whose birth was only two days! He immediately took the baby back to the house. Liu Guiru wife is a kind-hearted woman, very much like children, after some discussion, the two decided to adopt the baby girl.