Structural Reliability Analysis Method in Fuzzy Environment

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YUZHOU2010
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In this paper, the fuzzy-set-based structural possibility theory is investigated, and this theory can be used to deal with the subjective uncertainties in the design of engineering structures. Furthermore, a comprehensive model of structural safety assessment, which can merge subjective uncertainties with objective uncertainties, is presented. In this model, the fuzziness of stress-strength inference model, safety margin functions of single or multiple limit-state, structural failure state and the final assessment result are taken into account. This continuous model can be transformed into an equivalent model of probability-based and solved by the present structural reliability analysis method and parallel algorithm. An example is given to show the main idea of the method presented in this paper. In this paper, the fuzzy-set-based structural possibility theory is investigated, and this theory can be used to deal with the subjective uncertainty in the design of engineering structures. Furthermore, a comprehensive model of structural safety assessment, which can merge subjective uncertainties With this objective uncertainties, is presented. In this model, the fuzziness of stress-strength inference model, safety margin functions of single or multiple limit-state, structural failure state and the final assessment result are taken into account. This continuous model can be transformed into an equivalent model of probability-based and solved by the present structural reliability analysis method and parallel algorithm. An example is given to show the main idea of ​​the method presented in this paper.
他是一棵大树,而他,是一棵小树。  一家人养了这两棵树。  从购进他们的那天开始,这一家人就如同照料自己的孩子般照顾着他们。  第一年春天,小主人用一个小木桶装满水,仔细地围着树根浇灌。水慢慢渗透进去,土壤的颜色渐渐变深,小主人心里充满期待,期待他们长成参天乔木。  第五年春天,大树已能随风婀娜起舞,树叶扭动身体、左右摇摆,跳着迪斯科,发出瑟瑟之音;日渐粗壮的树干也有了要撑破天的样子,树皮上被时间
日本筑波大学研制成功 β铁硅化物连续膜 ,其电子迁移率为目前多层膜的数倍甚至数十倍 ,接近理论极限。该多层膜制备时在FZ硅 ( 0 0 1)基板用RDE法形成β FeSi2 外延层 ,其上为硅 ( 1