妒忌,是指因为别人的品德、才能比自己好而心怀怨恨,它是一种不健康的心理。这种心理不仅成人有,小学生也是存在的。 在我以前教过的班里,有这样两个学生,分别叫白立、宋萍。这两个孩子的学习一直不相上下。有时这个好一些,有时那个强一点。可是有一段时间,白立的学习一直不如宋萍的好。白立很努力了,可是还是赶不上宋萍。于是,白立对宋萍产生了妒忌的心理,下课也不和宋萍一起玩了,而且对宋萍时常受理不理的,有时还会冷嘲热讽地说:“人家学习多棒呀,咱们哪能和她比呀?还是离她远一点吧。”如果宋萍遇到了不会做的题,她便会故意说:“你那么棒,还能有不会做的题?”
Jealousy refers to because of other people's character, can be better than themselves and harbor resentment, it is an unhealthy psychology. This mentality not only adults, pupils also exist. In the classes I've taught before, there were two such students, Bai Li and Song Ping. The two children's learning has been comparable. Sometimes this is better, sometimes it is stronger. However, for some time, Bai Li's study has always been better than Song Ping's. Bai Li is very hard, but still can not keep up Song Ping. So, Bai Li on the Song Ping envy psychology, get out of class does not play with Song Ping, and Song Ping often ignored, and sometimes cynically said: “How good people learn, how can we Or is she farther away from her? ”If Song Ping encountered a question that she would not do, she would say:“ You are so good, can you still have questions that will not be done? ”