At present, in the development of foreign-funded enterprises, there is such a phenomenon that there is a large proportion of companies reporting losses. Among these enterprises, except for a few that are caused by a lack of feasibility studies or changes in the market, most of them are caused by the use of various means by foreign investors to transfer profits from domestic enterprises. The main process and means for foreign investors to transfer profits (1) Contract signing process. Some foreign investors have induced us to sign contracts that are obviously unfavorable to us through banquets, visits abroad, and bribery. We have also signed contracts with rigorous terms, using weaknesses in our inexperienced negotiators and lack of knowledge in foreign economic affairs. If any contract stipulates the amount of investment, it does not stipulate the registration method or duration; some provide foreign underwriting, but it does not stipulate the pricing method, the extent of price changes, and the restrictions. Many problems occur,