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科技不断发展,知识迅速更新,要求教师和学生要学会学习,为终身学习打下良好的基础。培养学生独立自主学习能力成为我们教师的重要任务。本文就初中生在英语学习中自主学习能力的培养方法谈几点看法。一、培养学生学习英语的兴趣(一)巧妙导入新课。一个故事,一部电影片段,一首歌曲,这些都足以让学生感到新奇和兴奋。例如《This is my sister》一课主要是教会学生家庭成员的称呼以及介绍人物时的英语表达法。教学是我先给同学们放一段“家有儿女”的电视剧片 With the continuous development of science and technology and the rapid updating of knowledge, teachers and students are required to learn to learn and lay a good foundation for lifelong learning. It is an important task of our teachers to develop students’ independent learning ability. This article on junior high school students in English learning self-learning ability to talk about several ways. First, to develop students interest in learning English (a) clever introduction of new courses. A story, a movie clip, a song, these are enough to make students feel novelty and excitement. For example, the lesson “This is my sister” is mainly about the salutation of the family members of the church students and the English expression when introducing the characters. Teaching is my first place for students to have a “family children ” TV series
从教学的转变、课程的改革、教学方法和教学手段的科学化方面阐述了我国普通高校体育改革方向,提出高校体育改革在理念上应培养学生终身体育的意识。 From the aspects of t
地震之后,被迫重新洗牌的灾区产业,将以什么作为未来发展的重点?经历过“经济地震”后得以新建的城市,用哪些产业支撑灾区的可持续发展?  灾区老百姓住进好房子后,如何过上好日子?重建任务基本完成后怎样确保灾区就业岗位不减少……  带着这些问题,5月5日至6日,参与全省汶川特大地震灾区发展振兴工作现场会的代表们在沿途参观和交流中探寻答案。    产业园成为灾区活力的源头活水    北川山东工业园、绵竹江