上海第一医学院附属中山医院,自1951年至1960年十年间,曾进行放射治疗的全部食管癌病人共117例。此次分析的目的主要为总结过去放射治疗的经验,同时也提出对食管癌放射治疗的一些看法。现分述如下:一、临床资料的分析1.年龄和性别: 各年龄组中例数,最多的为41—60岁,平均年龄为52岁。2.主诉和病程:病史中在绝大多数病例,主诉为吞咽困难,但也有极少数病例系偶然发现,一例为肺脓疡,一例仅因原因不明的贫血,另一例首先发现颈淋巴结转移,经治疗后三月方得确诊。
A total of 117 cases of esophageal cancer patients who had undergone radiation therapy had been treated during the ten years from 1951 to 1960 in Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai First Medical College. The purpose of this analysis is mainly to summarize the experience of radiation therapy in the past, and also put forward some views on radiation therapy for esophageal cancer. Are described as follows: First, the analysis of clinical data 1. Age and gender: The number of cases in each age group, the most is 41-60 years old, the average age is 52 years old. 2. Main complaints and disease course: In the majority of cases, the main complaint is dysphagia, but there are also a few cases of accidental detection, one case of lung abscess, one case of anemia due to unknown cause, and the other case of cervical lymph node metastasis. Three months after the treatment was confirmed.