引言:问题的概述1.流行观点:美学以艺术为核心什么是美学?百科全书给出的答案十分清楚。《美国学术百科全书》(Academic American Encyclopedia)指出:“美学是哲学.的分支,旨在确立有关艺术与美的普遍法则。”~①相应地,意大利的《哲学百科全书》(Enciclopedia Filosofica)定义美学为“讨论美和艺术的哲学学
Introduction: An Overview of the Problem 1. Popular Opinion: Aesthetics is Art Aesthetics What is Aesthetics? The answer given by the encyclopedia is quite clear. The Academic American Encyclopedia states: ”Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy aimed at establishing universal laws governing art and beauty.“ ”(1) Accordingly, Enciclopedia Filosofica (Italy) Defining aesthetics as "discuss the philosophy of beauty and art