Female patient, 34 years old, May 4, 1990 measured intraocular pressure surgery, at 9:00 on the day to patients with drops of 0.5% tetracaine 2 drops, the patient without discomfort. 8 pm, the patient consciously binocular redness, conjunctival redness, eyelid swelling, tears in his eyes, tears flow to the area of itching, rash fusion, scattered small blisters, but no other body reaction. The next day with 0.25% kanamycin eye drops eye drops, 3 times / d, each 1 to 2 drops. Oral hydrocortisone test 5mg, 2 times / d, and even served 3d, and later changed to hydrocortisone 5mg, 1 / d, even after serving for 3d automatic withdrawal. Use aureomycin ointment on facial swollen areas several times daily. After 5 days, the eyelids were swollen and the facial erythematous rash subsided obviously. The symptoms disappeared after one week.