1.薮柑子(紫金牛):紫金牛科。生于山野荫地,常绿小灌木,叶具柄,椭园形,叶缘有锐锯齿,两性花,着生叶腋,花白色,酱果圆珠形,熟时呈红色。易栽易活,适宜盆栽。2.以石斛、景天、蕨类等向阳喜荫的不同习性的山草按其环境生态要求混植于一浅盆,使之再现和谐统一的自然氛围。3.花石菖(百合科 6—7月开白色小花)、知风草、小鲋草(禾本科)丛植于古色古香的冰裂纹浅盆中,生机盎然,野趣横生,给人以恬淡惬意之意。
1. 薮 Ganzi (purple golden cow): purple golden bovine. Born in the shady shade, evergreen shrubs, leaves with a handle, oval-shaped, leaf edge with sharp serrated, bisexual flowers, with leaf axils, flowers white, sauerkraut beads, ripe red. Easy to plant and live, suitable for potting. 2. With Dendrobium, Sedum, ferns and other sunny hi different habits of the grass according to their ecological requirements of the planting in a shallow basin, to reproduce the harmonious atmosphere of harmony and unity. 3. Flowers Shichang (Liliaceae 6-7 months to open the white flowers), that wind grass, small splendens grass (Poaceae) Cong planted in the antique ice-crack shallow basin, full of vitality, wild, giving a comfortable and comfortable meaning.