Preliminary analysis on the tectonic stress level in the source region of Tangshan earthquake

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuyw118
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The abundant data of focal mechanism solutions in Tangshan region, China, are inverted for the tectonic stress field. Combined with tectonophysical consideration, the magnitude of the three principal stresses, as well as their vertical variation under the average crustal rock property, in the source region of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake is estimated. The relationship between crustal stress and friction mc, pore pressure P0 and stress shape factor F is studied. The paper draws the conclusion that the vertical increasing rate of the maximum principal stress s is directly proportional to friction, and inversely to pore pressure P0 and stress shape factor F ; while the vertical increasing rate of the minimum principal tress s is directly proportional to pore pressure P0, inversely to friction mc and stress shape factor F. This study is a try to invert the data of focal mechanism solutions for the complete stress tensor. The abundant data of focal mechanism solutions in Tangshan region, China, are inverted for the tectonic stress field. The magnitude of the three principal stresses, as well as their vertical variation under the average crust rock property, in the source The relationship between crustal stress and friction mc, pore pressure P0 and stress shape factor F is studied. The paper draws the conclusion that the vertical increasing rate of the maximum principal stress is is directly proportional to friction , and inversely to pore pressure P0 and stress shape factor F; while the vertical increasing rate of the minimum principal tress s is directly proportional to pore pressure P0, inversely to friction mc and stress shape factor F. This study is a try to invert the data of focal mechanism solutions for the complete stress tensor.
受中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会的委托 ,由成都理工大学、国家电力公司成都勘测设计研究院、铁道部第二设计院和西南交通大学 4单位主办的“2 0 0 1中国西部重大工程与环
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我国地质工作者在北京隆重集会 ,纪念新中国地质工作 5 0年暨中国地质学会成立 80周年。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理温家宝在纪念会上讲话强调地质工作要适应发展社会
经中国古生物学会孢粉学分会理事会扩大会议 (2 0 0 2 .3.12于南京 )讨论 ,并在会后广泛征求意见 ,孢粉学分会决定 9月 18日至 2 0日在合肥市安徽大学外宾接待中心召开六届一
英语教育在中国已经普及,连幼儿园的孩童也会稚音未脱地数“One,two,three,four,five……”而会说中文的西方人去少得可冷。但去年10月在清华大学的—场讲座上,社交媒体平台Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格却试探性地用这句话和听众打了招呼,随后又用中文解释说:“我的中文很糟糕,但是我今天试试用中文。我可能需要练习。”  然而,更让在场所有学生甚至Facebook工作人员都意想不到的