肇州县是黑龙江省西部重点干旱县份之一,素有十年十春旱之称,多年平均降水春季仅占全年降水463.3m m的12%左右,干旱成为农业生产的瓶颈因素。为了促进粮食增产、农民增收,从“九五”以来大力发展节水灌溉,共建设低压管道输水工程和喷灌工程933处,控制面积24.95万亩。随着种植结
Zhaozhou County is one of the major drought counties in the western part of Heilongjiang Province. It has been known as a ten-year dry spring drought. The annual average rainfall in spring only accounts for about 12% of the annual precipitation of 463.3m m. Drought has become a bottleneck in agricultural production. In order to increase grain output and increase peasants’ income, we have been making great efforts to develop water-saving irrigation since the Ninth Five-year Plan period. We have built a total of 933 low-pressure pipeline water conveyance projects and sprinkler irrigation projects with a controlled area of 249500 mu. With planting knot