利用棉子壳、花生壳混合发酵料栽培平茹,具有简便易行、生物转化率高,成本低,效益高等特点,根据我们的实践,在生产中应重点掌握好以下四个方面: 一、配料 选择新鲜、无霉变的棉子壳、花生壳,置于日光下暴晒2—3天,按棉子壳90公斤、花生壳10公斤、生石灰1.5公斤、水120公斤的用量,将料充分拌匀(不能有团块),即可建堆。 二、发酵 将拌好的料堆成宽1.5米,高0.9米的料堆,堆要膨松,每间隔50厘米沿堆上部向中心斜打孔,沿底部对
The use of cotton seed shell, peanut shell mixed fermented material cultivation Pingru, with simple and easy, high biological conversion rate, low cost, high efficiency, according to our practice, the production should focus on the following four aspects: First, Ingredients selected fresh, mildew-free cotton seed shell, peanut shell, placed in the sun exposure 2-3 days, according to 90 kg cotton seed shell, peanut shell 10 kg, lime 1.5 kg, the amount of water 120 kg, the expected full Mix well (can not have clumps), you can build heap. Second, the fermentation will be mixed well into a pile of materials 1.5 meters wide and 0.9 meters high pile, the pile to be bulky, separated by 50 cm intervals along the heap to the center oblique hole, along the bottom of the pair