1999年11月25日中午12时左右,崇信县赤城乡周寨村狼窝坝社的一集体打麦场内的麦草垛突然起火(初步调查是由两个儿童在草垛间玩火造成的),火借风势呼呼作响,一霎时,浓烟滚滚,火焰腾空,火星四溅。 此情被正去煤矿上班的水泵工马金林发现,随即呼救。 呼喊声惊动了村民,也惊动了恰好路过的乡政府朱乡长、乡武装部李部长等一行七八人。朱乡长等当即赶赴现场,组织村民灭火,并向新密派出所报警。
At about 12 noon on November 25, 1999, a group of wheat haystacks from a group of wolf spasters in Zhouzhai Village, Chekiang County, Chongxin County, suddenly caught fire (the preliminary investigation was caused by two children playing with fire in the haystacks ), The fire by the wind whirring, a moment, thick smoke billowing, the flame vacated, the sparks splashed. This situation is going to the coal mine pump work Ma Jinlin found, then call for help. Shouting alerted the villagers, but also alerted the just passing by the township government Zhu Xiangchang, Minister of the Ministry of armed forces Li and his party of seven or eight people. Governor Zhu Xiang immediately rushed to the scene, organizing the villagers to put out the fire and alerted the Xinmi police station.