美国《财富》杂志根据全球各大企业2001年底的营业额公布了最新的全球500强名单。在这份名单上,美国的连锁超市集团沃尔玛,以2198亿美元的营业收入将著名的埃克森石油集团拉下马,登上第一名的宝座。人们惊异的是:一个“大杂货铺”怎么就成了全球首富?1996年,深圳,沃尔玛在中国的第一家店开张,整个华南商界为之战栗,人们奔走相告:“狼来了。”时至今日,到中国淘金的“狼”越来越多,国际化的大型连锁超市随处可见。2002年,《新周刊》将超级市场的衍生物大型购物中心(Shopping Mall)列为我们时代最人性的50个细节之一。这种来自西方的零售模式,在短短的十几年里,无论是在观念上,还是在生活方式上,带给中国人巨大的震撼。
The United States “Fortune” magazine announced the latest Global 500 list according to the turnover of major companies in the world by the end of 2001. On this list, Wal-Mart, the US supermarket chain group, took the well-known Exxon Petroleum Group to a disappointing position with US$219.8 billion in revenue. The people are surprised: How can a big grocery store become the world’s richest man? In 1996, Shenzhen Wal-Mart opened its first store in China. The entire South China business community shuddered and people ran away and told: "Wolf It is coming.” Today, more and more “wolfs” are making their way to China, and large international supermarket chains can be seen everywhere. In 2002, New Weekly listed the supermarket’s derivative shopping mall as one of the most human details of our era. This kind of retail model from the West, in a short period of more than ten years, both in concept and in lifestyle, brought great shock to the Chinese people.