Analysis of high risk factors related to acute respiratory distress syndrome following severe thorac

来源 :Chinese Journal of Traumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seair123
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Objective:To investigate the high risk factors related to acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS)following serious thoracoabdominal injuries. Methods:The clinical data of 282 patients with serious thoracoabdominal injuries were retrospectively studied.Univariate and Cox multivariate regression analysis were used to determine the risk factors related to ARDS following serious thoracoabdominal injuries. Results:The incidence of ARDS was 31.9%(90/ 282)in patients with serious thoracoabdominal injuries. The mortality caused by ARDS was 37.8%(34/90).The univariate analysis and multivariate analysis demonstrated that the clinical conditions such as elder age,shock, dyspnea,abnormal arterial blood gas,hemopneumothorax, pulmonary contusion,flail chest,coexisting pulmonary diseases,multiple abdominal injury and high ISS score were the independent high risk factors related to ARDS. Conclusion:There are many high risk factors related to ARDS following severe thoracoabdominal injuries,which should be detected early and treated timely to decrease the incidence and mortality of ARDS. Objective: To investigate the high risk factors related to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) following serious thoracoabdominal injuries. Methods: The clinical data of 282 patients with serious thoracoabdominal injuries were retrospectively studied. Univariate and Cox multivariate regression analysis were used to determine the risk Results of The incidence of ARDS was 31.9% (90 of 282) in patients with serious thoracoabdominal injuries. The mortality caused by ARDS was 37.8% (34/90). The univariate analysis and multivariate analysis demonstrated that the clinical conditions such as elder age, shock, dyspnea, abnormal arterial blood gas, hemopneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, flail chest, coexisting pulmonary diseases, multiple abdominal injury and high ISS score were the independent high risk factors related to ARDS. There are many high risk factors related to ARDS following severe thoracoabdominal injuries, which shou ld be detected early and treated timely to decrease the incidence and mortality of ARDS.
新年第一天,展读新到的十二期《读书》,想一想一年来文化人的几多感叹,真是别有一番滋味在心头。读到这一期上揭载的《为什么要特别看重史学》,有几句话想说: (1)文中所云“
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