2012年8月底,经过8个月短暂紧张的施工,装机容量为1.8 MW的高水头坦博(Tambo)山谷水电站并网发电。水电站位于瑞士东南部的坦博山谷地区,该地区水电资源丰富但从未得到开发,且其独特的自然环境特别适宜于小水电开发。坦博水电站的成功投运,也增强了开发商们继续合作开发小水电的信心。从坦博水电站的开发策略、设计方案比选、厂房布局、电站投运后获得的经济效益评估以及水电开发的前景规划等方面作了介绍。
At the end of August 2012, after a short period of eight months of intense construction, the high-water Tambo valley hydropower station with a capacity of 1.8 MW was connected to the grid. The hydroelectric station is located in the Tambo valley in southeastern Switzerland, where hydropower resources are abundant but never developed and its unique natural environment is particularly suitable for small hydropower development. The successful operation of Tambo Hydropower Station also enhanced the confidence of developers in continuing to cooperate in the development of small hydropower. This paper introduces the development strategy of Tambo Hydropower Station, the comparison and selection of design schemes, the layout of the plant, the economic benefits assessment after hydropower station put into operation and the prospect planning of hydropower development.