二○一○年,刚被新西兰总理jo h n k e y接见后回国后的姜宏光先生,经人引见我们相识,并赠送了我一套北京工艺出版社出版的画集。翻开姜宏光的画集,一股特立独行、不落窠臼的艺术画风扑面而来。那绚丽多姿的彩墨油画,那异国他乡的风情万种,那新西兰农场小景、鸟岛、山川、溪流、雄鹰、烈马无不充满十足的视觉冲击力,直冲你的眼眶撞来。
In 2010, just after being interviewed by New Zealand Prime Minister johrenke, Mr. Jiang Hongguang, after his introduction, met us and presented me with a collection of paintings published by Beijing Technology Publishing House. Opened Jiang Hongguang’s painting set, a maverick, unmoved art style blowing. That gorgeous colorful ink painting, that exotic customs of thousands of species, that New Zealand farm small King, Bird Island, mountains, streams, eagles, mares are all full of visual impact, direct impact on your orbital .