
来源 :冷藏技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maliuzhu
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制冷系统中,冷凝器是热交换过程中主要设备之一,是制冷循环必不可少的部分。蒸发式冷凝器由于耗水量少,结构紧凑等优点,已被广泛采用。但由于冷却水在冷凝管外不断蒸发,水中的矿物质易滞留在管表面上,水垢增长较快且难以清洗,却是它的致命弱点。因 In refrigeration systems, the condenser is one of the major equipment in the heat exchange process and is an integral part of the refrigeration cycle. Evaporative condenser due to less water consumption, compact structure, etc., has been widely used. However, as the cooling water evaporates continuously outside the condensing pipe, the mineral in the water tends to remain on the surface of the pipe and the scale grows faster and is difficult to clean. However, it is a fatal weakness. because