我虽然有信通创始人金燕静的电话号码,但是我没敢给她打电话,我怕会触及敏感的信通走私案。于是我找到信通的另一个创始人——朱巧生。不过,尽管通过和朱的接触我了解到很多情况,但是我也发现,一个企业的领导人,即使是副总一级的,对企业发展的思路以及对情况的了解其实与第一把手还是会相差很远,道理很简单——他不必操这份心。所以,最后我还是决定去找金燕静,后来比我想象的要好的是,她同意和我见面谈谈。由于我们已经有十多年没有见面了,所以我们的见面,与其说是采访,不如说是老同学见面互相通报一下彼此的近况。 金燕静现在在中关村上地开发区的一家公司里打工,她
Although I have the phone number of the founder Jin Yanjing, I did not dare to call her, and I’m afraid he would touch sensitive information and smuggling cases. So I found another founder of ICT - Zhu Qiao Sheng. However, although I have learned many things through my contacts with Zhu, I also found that the leader of an enterprise, even at the vice-president level, still has a different understanding of the enterprise development and understanding of the situation than the number one leader Far, the reason is simple - he does not have to manipulate the heart. So in the end I decided to go to Jinyan Jing. Later, better than I thought, she agreed to meet with me. Since we have not met for more than 10 years, our meeting is not so much an interview as it is for the older students to meet each other to brief us on each other’s current situation. Jinyan Jin is now working in a company in Zhongguancun Development Zone, she