麻疹(measles)是由麻疹病毒(measles virus,MV)引起的呼吸道传染病,发病急,人群普遍易感[1-2],近年来成人麻疹发病比例随着时间迁移发生明显增高[3-4]。2010年河南省实施了扩大免疫规划,2010-2014年达到发病率低的理想效果,2014年底至2015年上半年出现反弹高峰[4-5]。本课题组就2015年3~5月河南省某高校发生一起成人麻疹暴发疫情传播感染的危险因素进行研究分析,为集体单位感染防控提供依据,现报告如下。
Measles is an infectious respiratory disease caused by measles virus (MV). It has a rapid onset and a general population susceptibility [1-2]. In recent years, the incidence of adult measles has increased significantly with time [3-4 ]. In 2010, Henan Province implemented an expanded immunization program and achieved the desired effect of low incidence in 2010-2014, with a peak of rebound from the end of 2014 to the first half of 2015 [4-5]. Our research group analyzed the risk factors of an adult measles outbreak in a university in Henan from March to May 2015 to provide basis for the prevention and control of infection among collective units. The report is as follows.