在迎接党的十六大的日子里,陕西省宝鸡市政协委员王云珩先生为表达自己的激动心情,创作了大型书法作品——《六千言华夏颂长联》。 该作品的创作前后经过800多个日日夜夜,用隶书写成,总长21米,共6600字。长联幅长21米,象征党诞生于1921年,党正带领全国人民步入21世纪。作品内容主要讴歌源远流长的华夏文明和积极进取的民族精神,歌颂在中国共产党三代领导集体的领导下,我们的祖国发生的巨大变化和党的丰功伟绩。
In welcoming the 16th CPC National Congress, Mr. Wang Yunheng, a member of CPPCC Shaanxi Province, expressed his excitement and created a large-scale calligraphy work entitled “Long Marching of Six Thousands of Chinese Huaxia”. Before and after the creation of the work after more than 800 days and nights, written in official script, a total length of 21 meters, a total of 6600 words. Length of 21 meters long, symbolizing the party was born in 1921, the party is leading the people across the country into the 21st century. The content of the works mainly consists of the long history of Chinese civilization and the aggressive spirit of the nation, and under the leadership of the three generations of Chinese Communist Party leaders, great changes have taken place in our motherland and the great achievements of the party.