
来源 :中国安防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jcx88
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从上个世纪九十年代开始,在政府的大力推动下和市场机制的导向下,企业与高校、科研院所形成了多种形式的产学研合作,极大地推动了我国科技成果的产业化进程,并在信息技术、生物技术、新材料、先进制造技术等领域内形成了一大批具有自主知识产权的产品,培育出了一批新的经济增长点,加速了传统产业的升级改造,进一步增强了企业自主创新能力,有力地促进了产业结构升级,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。近年来,越来越多的安防企业在强化自主创新的同时,日益重视与高校、科研院所等机构的合作,走产学研合作发展的道路。目前,越来越多的安防企业与相关高校等建立了科技成果推广及转化基地,天地伟业、慧锐通等一批行业企业先后建立了“院士专家工作站”、“博士后科研工作站”等。通过产学研合作,使得安防企业在技术创新、人才培养等方面都得到了极大加强,进一步提升了企业的综合实力和核心竞争力。而对于相关高校、科研院所而言,也为其技术、课题等研究成果的产业化和市场化提供了很好的条件和契机。虽然目前安防产学研合作起步较晚,且合作形式相对松散,但随着企业对技术创新的日益重视,相信未来产学研合作在安防领域内将进一步深入。本期产业发展栏目旨在分析目前国内产学研合作的发展现状和特点,为安防企业在产学研合作过程中提供一些借鉴和思考。 Since the 1990s, with the vigorous promotion of the government and the guidance of the market mechanism, enterprises have formed various forms of cooperation with universities and research institutes and greatly promoted the industrialization of China's scientific and technological achievements , And formed a large number of products with independent intellectual property rights in fields such as information technology, biotechnology, new materials and advanced manufacturing technology, thus fostering a number of new economic growth points and accelerating the upgrading and reorganization of traditional industries and further enhancing them The ability of independent innovation of enterprises has effectively promoted the upgrading of industrial structure and achieved good economic and social benefits. In recent years, more and more security companies, while strengthening their independent innovation, have attached increasing importance to cooperation with universities, research institutes and other agencies and take the road of cooperation between industries, universities and research institutes. At present, more and more security enterprises and relevant universities have established scientific and technological achievements promotion and conversion bases. A group of industry enterprises such as Alberto and Huili Rui have set up “Academician Experts Workstations”, “Postdoctoral Research Station” "Wait. Through the cooperation of industry, universities and research institutes, security companies have been greatly strengthened in technological innovation and personnel training, further enhancing their overall strength and core competitiveness. For relevant universities and research institutes, it also provides good conditions and opportunities for the industrialization and market-oriented researches on their technologies and topics. Although the current cooperation in production, education and research started a bit late, and the form of cooperation was relatively loose. However, with the increasing emphasis on technological innovation by enterprises, it is believed that in the future the cooperation in production, teaching and research will be further deepened in the field of security. The current section of industrial development aims to analyze the current situation and characteristics of the cooperation in production, teaching and research in China, and provide some references and reflections for security companies in the process of industry-university-institute cooperation.
据悉2008年6月中旬,全国勘察设计注册工程师材料专业管委会秘书处在北京召开了工作会议,会议重点讨论了《全国勘察设计注册工程师材料专业考核认定测试手册》 It is reporte
武汉市人民政府文件武政〔2012〕101号各区人民政府,市人民政府各部门:为深入贯彻落实《国务院关于加强职业培训促进就业的意见》(国发〔2010〕3 6号)和《省人民政府关于加强
求解梯形的方法和思路很多,其中利用题设中特殊的已知条件,合理构造Rt△是解决某些梯形问题的有效途径.请看以下几例.一、求腰的长例1 如图1,梯形 ABCD中,AB∥CD,AB= 8,CD=20,
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