目的对呼吸衰竭并肺部感染患者病原学分布以及耐药性进行调查。方法对我院ICU2013年9月~2014年10月间47例呼吸衰竭并肺部感染患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析调查,了解患者病原学分布以及耐药情况。结果共有130株细菌,其中革兰阳性菌的数目为21株,占比例的16.2%;革兰阴性菌的株菌数目为93株,占比例的71.5%;真菌数目为16株,占比例的12.3%。除万古霉素以外,铜绿假单细胞对庆大霉素、氨曲南的耐药性最高,其次为氨苄西林、左氧氟沙星、环丙沙星;鲍曼不动杆菌对所有药物的耐药性均超过80%,耐药性非常高,两者均对未万古霉素产生耐药性,耐药率为0%。结论患者死亡率非常高,感染株菌主要为革兰阴性菌,其对常规抗生素具有较高的耐药性,但尚未发现株菌对万古霉素产生耐药性。“,”Objective Etiology in patients with respiratory failure and pulmonary infection distribution and drug resistance in the investigation.Methods Our hospital ICU 2013 between September October 2014,47 cases of respiratory failure and pulmonary infection in patients with clinical data were retrospectively analyzed,etiology distribution and drug resistance in patients with understanding. Results A total of 130 strains of bacteria,including the number of gram positive bacteria for 21 strains,accounting for 16.2%of the proportion;Gram-negative bacteria strains of bacteria number as 93 strains,accounting for 71.5%of the proportion;Fungi number is 16 strains,accounting for 12.3%of the proportion.Except vancomycin verdigris pseudomonas resistance to gentamicin,ammonia QuNa highest,fol owed by ampicil in,levofloxacin,ciprofloxacin;Acinetobacter baumanni not more than 80%for al drug resistance,resistance is very high,both to vancomycin resistant,resistant rate of 0%. Conclusion Patients'mortality rate is very high,strains of bacteria are mainly gram-negative bacteria infection,it has high resistance to conventional antibiotics,but haven't found strains of bacteria resistant to vancomycin.