
来源 :农村工作通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coretech333
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“两会”期间,记者采访了来自四川山区农村的高显明代表。谈到当前农村的现状,高显明代表用了三句话:农民很穷、农业很苦、农村工作很累。一些地方的农民要真正跳出贫穷走向小康,还要一个很长的过程。他说,现在不像改革开放初期:门一打开,外面的风一进来,就感到很清新,很新鲜。现在加入WTO,老百姓感受更多的还是茫然。为啥,归结到一点,就是“一家一户那一亩二分地绣不出大花来”。高显明告诉记者,由于农民素质低,农产品科技含量低,加上信息不灵,只能根据往年的信息做出滞后的判断,往往是大家一窝蜂地种一个品种,结果是运气好了能卖个好价钱,运气差了全烂在地里,全凭撞大运。这种状况,让农民一家一户闯菜市场还马马虎虎,闯国内外大市场谈何容易!这种状况不改变,增加农民收入从何谈起!高显明代表呼吁,增加农民收入不能仅停留在口号上,需要有一套硬措施,包括资金支持、技术服务、基层干部转变作风。 During the “two sessions”, the reporter interviewed Gao Xianming, a representative from the rural Sichuan mountains. Talking about the current situation in rural areas, Gao Xianming made three major remarks: the peasants are poor, the agriculture is bitter, and the rural work is very tired. In some places, peasants really need to step beyond poverty toward well-to-do life and take a long time. He said that unlike the initial stage of reform and opening up, when the door opened and the wind outside came in, it felt fresh and fresh. Now join the WTO, people feel more or at a loss. Why, at one point, is “one family that one acre dichotomously embroidered not flowers ”. Gao Xianming told reporters that due to the poor quality of farmers, low-tech agricultural products, coupled with ineffective information, can only make judgments based on the information in previous years lag, often we rush to grow a variety, the result is luck can sell a Good price, poor luck in the ground all the bad, all with Grand Canal. This situation makes it all-too-easy for the peasants to break into the market one by one. It is not so easy to break into the major markets both at home and abroad. The situation does not change and the peasants ’incomes increase. From what Gao Xianming appealed, he added, "increasing peasants’ income can not stop at slogans , There needs to be a set of hard measures, including financial support, technical services and transformation of grassroots work style.
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