我国是个产煤大国,由于现代化建设的需要,煤炭工业将有更大的发展。但是,煤矿井下瓦斯严重地影响着煤炭工业的发展,对矿工生命安全和国家财产也危害极大。发展煤炭工业需要先进的仪器来支持,对瓦斯的连续监测、记录、超限报警、超限断电等已成为煤炭生产过程中不可少的环节。我厂从为煤炭工业服务的目的出发,研制生产了 ABD-21型数字式甲烷遥测系统。本系统由下列产品组成。
Our country is a coal-producing country, because of the need of modernization, the coal industry will have greater development. However, the underground coal mine gas has a serious impact on the development of the coal industry, which is also detrimental to the life safety of miners and state property. The development of coal industry requires advanced equipment to support continuous monitoring of gas, recording, overrun alarm, over-power cut-off has become an indispensable link in the coal production process. I plant from the purpose for the coal industry services, development and production of the ABD-21 digital methane telemetry system. The system consists of the following products.