人们敬仰的著名学者钱钟书先生平易近人 ,从不摆大学者的架子。年轻人向他请教 ,他总是热情回答问题 ,帮助查找资料 ,有时还亲笔写信详细解答。他在赠送给别人的书上签名 ,常常是“钱钟书敬奉”。有一次 ,一个叫吴庚舜的青年写了篇关于《长恨歌》的论文 ,请钱钟书先生指导。钱
Mr. Qian Zhongshu, a famous scholar admired by people, is approachable and never puts the shelf of the university. Young people to ask him, he always enthusiastically answer questions, help find information, and sometimes also write a letter in detail. He signed the book presented to others, often “Qian Zhongshu worship.” Once, a young man named Wu Gengshun wrote an essay on Everlasting Regret, and asked Mr. Qian to guide him. money