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2002年对于还在中央音乐学院读大三的孙凰来说是丰收的一年——她先后获得了文化部首届全国青少年民族器乐独奏比赛二胡青年专业组金奖和第二届香港“龙音杯”国际二胡大赛青年专业组第一名及传统曲目演奏奖。 孙凰告诉我,今年7月毕业后,她将直接读被学院保送的研究生。 总觉得孙凰大大的眼睛里含着些许淡淡的忧郁。她说自己 In 2002, she was a bumper year for Sun Phoenix who was still in her junior year at the Central Conservatory of Music. She has won the Gold Medal of the ErH Youth Professional Group of the First National Youth Folk Instrumental Solo Competition of the Ministry of Culture and the Gold Medal of the Second Hong Kong Long Yin Cup Erhu Competition Youth Professional group first and traditional track performance award. Sun Phoenix told me that after graduating in July of this year, she will directly read the graduate student sent by the college. Sun Huang always feel a lot of eyes with a touch of melancholy. She said herself