Languages Used at the U.N

来源 :今日中学生(初三版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanyueyusi
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  Six languages are now used at the United Nations—Arabic,Chinese,English,French,Russian and Spanish. These are known as the official languages. The languages used most often,however,are English and French. At the U.N. headquarters(联合国总部),all the signs and directions are both English and French. On the doors,for example,you see both the English word“Push” and the French word“Poussez”.
  People understand each other through the U.N. interpreters(译员). Some of the 2026 seats in the General Assembly Hall(联合国大会议厅)are equipped(配备)with earphones. The earphones are attached(系)to the sides of the seats. At each seat there is a box that has a switch with numbers on it. There is a number for each ofthe six official languages and one for the speaker. By turning the switch,the listener can hear either the speaker on the floor,or the translations into any of the six official languages.
  Imagine now that a meeting is going on. Some of the delegates(代表)speak only English,others only French or Spanish. Still others speak only Russian or Chinese. How can they understand one another? By using the earphones and listening to the amazing interpreters!
  The interpreters sit in glass-walled,sound-proof booths(小隔间)overlooking the Assembly Hall. They listen to each speaker and translate what they says almost immediately. They speak into microphones connected(连接)to the earphones at the listeners’ seats.
  How does this work? Let’s say a delegate at the meeting is talking in Russian. The French delegate doesn’t understand Russian. So he turns the switch at his seat to the number for French. At once he hears the Russian speech translated into French.
  The interpreters must be very good indeed. They must be able to hear someone talking, and in a matter of seconds translate what he has said.
一、 导入,理清文章的脉络  师:莫高窟是世界上现存规模宏大、保存最完整的佛教艺术宝库,1987 年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。《莫高窟》这篇课文也很特别,每一个自然段中都有那么一句话,清楚地概括出该自然段的意思,你发现了吗?谁愿意把自己的《补充习题》第4题给大家展示一下。请你选两个好朋友,跟你一起完成题目的汇报。你会怎么分工呢?  生:我想邀请史含馨读第1自然段和第5自然段的句子,因为它