1937年9月14日,正当国民党新桂系即将北上抗日之时,李宗仁下令逮捕并枪决了自己的心腹干将、少将军官王公度,同时被杀的还有桂系南宁军校政训处副主任谢苍生、政治教官区渭文、中尉指导员韦干、教员陶保桓和崔真吾。其中陶为中共党员,崔是进步人士。一时搞得满城风雨,人心惶惶。 王公度一案,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是,特别是有关当事人更是说法不一,真伪难辨。1937年10月,广西省警察局长周炳南被部下问到时说,王公度是“一个大名鼎鼎的政客……搞托派活动,阴谋造反,所以老总(指李宗仁)下令秘密处决他。”李宗仁总部办公厅上校秘书谢天生认为:“王公度平日太专
On September 14, 1937, just as the Kuomintang’s new Guihua Department was about to go northward to resist the Japanese, Lee Tsung-jen ordered the arrest and execution of his own confidential cadres. Major General Wang Gongdu was also killed and the deputy director of the Guixian Nanning Military and Political Office Common people, political instructor Wei Wen, lieutenant instructor Wei Gan, teacher Tao Baohuan and Cui Zhenwu. Among them, Tao is a Communist Party member and Cui is a progressive person. Moment made a stormy city, people panic. There has always been a divergence of opinions between civil and public officials, especially when the parties involved are even more different in terms of truth and disability. In October 1937, the chief of the Guangxi Provincial Police Chief Zhou Bingnan was asked by his men to say that the princes degree was “a famous politician ... engaging in consular factionalism and conspiracy to rebellion, so the boss (referring to Li Zongren) ordered the execution of his secret.” Xie Tiansheng Secretary Colonel Hall think: "The princes degree weekday special