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证券是市场经济发展的必然产物,在经济发展推动下,它在金融市场的重要位置愈发突出。证券市场发展过程中,其核心在于信息披露,及时、准确的信息披露能够保障证券市场健康发展。相比较来看,我国证券市场起步较晚,虽然在初期已经很重视信息披露问题,且出台了相关法律制度,但同发达国家相比,我国证券市场还不够成熟,还有相当长一段时间要走。经过实践发现,现有法律中存在很多不足之处,使得证券市场信息披露问题层出不穷,危害到证券市场发展。文章从证券市场信息自律监管概念及优势入手,分析我国证券市场信息披露存在的问题,并提出完善证券市场中信息自律与管理的相关建议。 Securities are the inevitable result of the development of market economy. Under the promotion of economic development, securities have become increasingly prominent in the financial market. In the process of securities market development, the core lies in information disclosure. Timely and accurate information disclosure can ensure the sound development of securities market. In contrast, China’s securities market started late, although the issue of information disclosure has been attached great importance to the initial stage and the relevant legal system has been promulgated. However, compared with developed countries, the stock market in our country is not yet mature enough and there is still a long period of time go. After practice, we found that there are many shortcomings in the existing laws, making information disclosure problems in the securities market one after another, endangering the development of the securities market. This article starts with the concept and advantages of self-regulation of securities market information, analyzes the problems existing in the disclosure of information in China’s securities market, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the self-regulation and management of information in the securities market.
本文针对传统作业布置中形式单一、内容统一、不求实效和缺乏创新等问题,提出了作业布置中要讲求实效性、追求灵活性、力求趣味性、寻求多样性和谋求开放性的观点。 In this
基于“一带一路”战略背景,分析中国与周边国家的经济联动关系,运用Multilevel P2模型分析国家之间的经济互动,从组织结构层次和个体层次探讨国家间经济联系形成的机制。研究发